Sunday, 22 May 2011

Panorama Sekolah

Kata aluan : My first word coz I still new in creating a blog

To all viewers, should I inform that this is my first blog which I created mainly because I felt so connected to this school. And since this is my first blog, there might be some difficulties in making it interesting. Please give me some times to upload more information for this blog and completing it accordingly.


Saturday, 21 May 2011


Guru Besar : Mark ak Aseng
Penolong Kanan 1 : Tomat Ntau
Penolong Kanan HEM : Seli Jete
Penolong Kanan KK : Renggi ak Daud
Guru- Guru : Saiful b Kenit, Simri Jan, Larry Rijau, Rejerki Misek, Mohd Syaiful, Mohd Fadilah Johan, Mohd Fazli  Kosnin, Madelina Lawing, Azlan Dairy, Aking Lang, Astinah Nyambang (sandaran)
Pembantu Tadbir : Lorak Bilong
Penyelia Asrama : Siti @ Riti bt Othman
PPM : Derreck Ding, Johnipy Ding, Kulan Kalup, Saloma Ganang, Zailani
Tukang Masak : Andrew Ajok, Justin, Tukok Alu